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Getting Involved

The term "parent participation" (or "parent involvement") can mean a number of things.  It includes several different forms of participation in education and with your school.

Parents can support their children's schooling by:

  • attending school functions (open houses, concerts, sports events, etc.)
  • responding to school obligations (ensure child arrives on time, attend parent-teacher conferences, for example)

Parents can become more involved in helping their children improve their schoolwork by: 

  • providing encouragement
  • arranging for appropriate study time and space
  • modelling desired behavior (such as reading for pleasure)
  • monitoring homework, and actively tutoring their children at home

Outside the home, parents can serve as advocates for students and the school community by:

  • volunteering to help out with school activities (shelve library books, hot lunch volunteer, help at special events, coach or coordinate extracurricular activity)
  • working in the classroom (classroom parent, field trip driver, demonstrate or offer special skills)
  • taking an active role in the governance and decision making necessary for planning, developing, and providing an education for the community's children (become an SPC member or be active in your school's PAC)

Any way that you can participate in your children's education is a plus for you, your children and their school. 

Research shows that all forms of parent participation are important keys to ensuring your child's and all students' success!